Kankubadi is a tribal village in Bankili Gram Panchayat of Kolnara Block of Gunupur FMU under Rayagada Division. In this village VSS has been reformed under OFSDP in the year 2008-09 with a total of 47 households and Madani empowered the community about the need of the villagers. The villagers facing scarcity of save drinking water since long. Folk used water for drinking and other domestic chores from well and village pond. OFSDP planned and set up a deep bore well with over head tank and water supply to village with tap system. Finally under EPA OFSDP set up a bore well of 250 fit, 2000 Liter Sintex water tank over the VSS slab and connect the village with tap. It provides continuous water supply in the village by the submersible motor. The motor starts one hour in morning and evening daily. The beaming villagers profusely thanked saying “we have been relieved from painful life”.

Rangamati is a tribal village in Sundidhamuni Gram Panchayat of Ramnaguda Block of Gunupur FMU under Rayagada Division. In these village VSS has been reformed under OFSDP in the year 2009-10 with total 11 nos. of house holds. The villagers mostly depend on Non Timber forest product collection and agriculture. Jhankiri Maa women self help group with 10 women members was formed on 2007. Most of the SHG members are illiterate. Each member saves Rs. 10 per month. Since the SHG form they continued with the idea that the SHG means saving and taking loan from bank only for house hold expenses and they are not interested to start any business after frequent visit of OFSDP partner NGO Madani Welfare Association. The SHG decided to start a business after preparation of business plan for an amount of Rs. 15000/- for leaf stitching. They contribute Rs. 5000/- from their own saving fund and applied to VSS for loan of Rs. 10000/- after receiving the loan the SHG started leaf stitching and sold the leaf plate. The SHG earned profit Rs. 4200/- within 2 months. They repaid the loan with 1% interest to VSS. Now they are interested for trading of Mahua.