MAWA’s intervention in the domain of agriculture has benefited the farmer in a large. The programmes cover themes such as preparation and use of organic fertilizer, vegetable farming, and upland paddy cultivation, land improvement, other modern techniques on agriculture. etc. The training programme on agriculture is given to farmers groups of Pipili, Bisam Cuttack & Khurda Block. A total no. of 15 farmers club have been formed in Rayagada district and capacity building programmes where organized with the assistance of NABARDS. PRI training has been conducted in Pipili block in this financial year with the support of State Institute of Rural Development ,Odisha. Fruit bearing plantation has been done in Khurda district with the support of Muslim Global Relief (UK).
2. Disaster Preparedness and Management
The activities of MAWA in the flood affected areas of coastal Orissa have continued and disaster preparedness committees were formed. During rainy season our volunteers were remain alert for emergency relief in case of any calamities . Mock Drill programme has been done in pipli Block before the rainy season.
MAWA has organized Iftar during the month of Ramadan villages with discussion regarding the moral values, humanity, Good behaviour etc aspects in different community centres. Food packets were distributed to the poor people in this occasion in different localities.