Access to high quality free healthcare should not be viewed as a luxury. In many parts of the world easily preventable and treatable diseases are causing death and long term suffering to millions. We believe that good health is essential for the survival and economic self-sufficiency of individuals and their communities.
We provide emergency relief in conflict situations as well as developing longer-term wellbeing initiatives. We develop health awareness programmes on AIDS ,Malaria etc.. Our long term approach to health care provision aims to give communities a real chance of future success.
MAWA’s initiative in the field of health & hygiene is highly commendable for which different health camps were organized in remote villages during natural calamities like flood & cyclone. Malaria Eradication Programme, Maternity Waiting Home and AVD Programme has been going on in the district of Sundargarh & Rayagada T.I. Project with the assistance of OSACS Govt. of Odisha in Kuarmunda Block of Sundergarh Distinct. Health camps street theater etc. were organized in the project area for prevention of HIV Aids, Malaria & Dengue etc .In the 2012 year with the assurance of national health mission Odisha the MAA GRUHA Project for the pre -medical care of the pregnant women are being implemented at chandrapur in the district of Rayagada. Swasta Samukhya Project has been launched in this financial year at chandrapur block Rayagada. A charitable Health Care center at Danogahir Pipli, Puri has been running since last NINE years.
Madani Welfare Association TI project achieved up to last year totally contact target group new contact- 5237 (Male -4443 & Female -794) and given repeat services - 18339 (Male –16766 Female -1563 ) in-migrant labours and counselling near about 4070 migrant labours an also done 3975 numbers one to group discussion and also done so many programmes like street play ,health camp and congregation event among migrant labours etc. Our TI Project in last year through one to one contact and one to group session achieved to change their risk behaviour of the target group because so many target group trough the one to one contact and group discussion getting some knowledge about the HIV/AIDS and there try to change their high risk behaviour activities. Through outreach clinical services no. of 112 STI patients also found and treated as per their need this type of outreach clinical services again arranged at every particular hot spot and covering near about 180 general health camps arranged in project area to the in-migrant labours. that’s why definitely STI patients also find out and give proper treatment so that is betterment for target group and also general people.
Through the mid-media activates our TI project office arranged street play in different hotspot’s and public places so that this type of programme directly effect to the target group and general people for awareness about the HIV/AIDS. because at the time of every street play programme so many audience give their feedback they gain more knowledge about the cause of HIV/AIDS and how can free HIV testing done at ICTC,F-ICTC and field level .
So that this type of programme arranged at other area again that is definitely aware among both target group and general people. Due to the time of awareness programme many peoples were asking questions related to HIV/AIDS and suggested that it was the best way of awareness among the people. Near about twenty thousands of people awarded thorough the mid- media programme and outreach clinical services.
We arranged advocacy meeting with the Labour officers, district administrative officer , Labour contractor’s , plant owner’s, securities, labour colony owners, Police , Transport agencies, Dhaba owner’s and workers and passing agents ,local PRI members etc. They said that it is the best way for the target group how the programme will smoothly running and how to the target group’s will be get better services.
Goal is to arrest the spread of STD/HIV infection among 10000 IN- MIGRANT LABOURS associated high risk population along the Highway area it’s surrounding Districts of sundargarh, Odisha.
Near about 15000 people are residing in this area and about 8000 inhabitants are hailing from Below Poverty Line (BPL) category. Near about 9500 people are from muslim community and poor, downtrodden. Madani Welfare Association has constructed a Hospital building 06 bedded at Nuasahi, Danogahir, Pipili, Puri for rural inhabitants of that area to provide basic medical needs to the common people. The building consists of Doctors Room with attached toilet, dispensing room and separate bed arrangement for male and female with attached toilets. A small place is also earmarked for pathological tests. Presently daily 125 to 150 patients are coming for medical check-up. The poor people of surrounding areas are regularly coming for health check-up.
Health Camp by on site Doctor
Awareness Programme by Organisation Staff